Do We Have Confidence in God’s Grace?

    Do we really have confidence in the grace of God?  If we do, we will be satisfied with His grace and His grace alone.  If we have confidence in His grace, we will not try to offer up anything of our own as a reason for God to bless us. If we have confidence in His grace, we will rest secure that, whatever happens in this life, God will preserve us blameless for the next life.  If we have confidence in His grace, we will not try to build a church with fleshy enticements but will be satisfied with preaching and teaching the grace of God, knowing that God will call His sheep by that Gospel.  If we have confidence in the grace of God, we will not be quick to judge others or even ourselves, but will be patient with our brethren, knowing that God grows His people at His own rate and that what His grace has begun, His grace can finish.  If we have confidence in the grace of God, we will be much more at rest, knowing that all things are moving in their proper direction to their assigned goal.

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles Neo-Gnosticism
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