A gentleman challenged me to answer him how I interpret the scriptures in the New Testament that state that “God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth”. And he sent me quite a number of scriptures. Well this is the answer I sent him:
…The word "all" in the Bible means without distinction", " and not " without exception " or, you should know that for following Jesus you would be hated by "all" men. For example:
In Matthew
Now I have to go back to my drawing board. I am trying to build a temple as big as the
How about the baptismal service in Mark 1:5? What a Baptist celebration! It says that..."went out unto him "all" the land of
As seen above, when the Bible mentions the word “all” it means “all, without distinction” and not “all, without exception”. The difference is that without distinction means, for example, all men without distinction for race, social class or background. It also means, for example when it says “hated by all men” it is saying, hated by “all” men that will be contrary to my message. Thus there is a distinguishing factor, that is “men contrary to my message.
My final appeal to common sense is to stress again that if the disciples were to be hated by all men without exception then you and I and everyone else today would be disciple hater. Otherwise Jesus would be prone to exaggerate or a complete liar! Think about it!