The Glorious Gospel

    I proclaim to you again today the glorious gospel of the free grace of God to sinners through Jesus Christ and His work of redemption. This is the glad tidings that by His death on the cross, the Son of God has done exactly what Daniel prophesied. Messiah has finished the transgression, made an end of sins, made reconciliation for iniquity, brought in everlasting righteousness and sealed up the prophecy (Daniel 9:24). The gospel proclaims that in the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ, “mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other” (Psalm 85:10). The gospel will always be “the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth” (Romans 1:16); it has lost none of its vitality, none of its effectual energy. This message needs no human assistance or cooperation for it goes forth by the might of the Spirit.  It overcomes unbelief and rebellion.  When God the Spirit sends forth the gospel of Christ, no power of earth or hell can hinder its success.  The gospel is not an announcement that God has done all He can do and if you will trust the Lord Jesus your faith will activate His blood to put your sins away.  Rather, it is a declaration of what God has already done; He has redeemed His people; the ransom price has been paid and accepted.  Every believing sinner may rest assured that their indebtedness to divine justice has been retired by the blood of Christ.  He “obtained eternal redemption for us” (Hebrews 9:12).  The gospel is the message that states “it is finished.”  The great work of reconciliation is completed (2 Corinthians 5:19).  Propitiation, the satisfaction of divine justice, has been made.  In fact, Christ is Himself “the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 2:2).  The Lord is not only righteous in justifying the ungodly through the blood of Christ (Romans 3:24-26), but He would be unjust not to justify those whose sins have been drowned in the blood of Jesus.  God has promised that because of the cross-death of His Son, our sins are no longer remembered (Hebrews 10:17).  At the appointed time, the Spirit comes in regenerating grace to bloodbought sinners through this gospel and reveals Christ.  He enables us to trust, worship and rejoice in this all-glorious Savior. “Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power” (Psalm 110:3).

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