One Distinct Message

    There are not many ways of salvation, just one and that is God's way! There are not many messages which the Holy Spirit may choose from to bring about the conversion of sinners, just one and that is God's truth. There are not many gospels which men may preach that contain the glad tidings of full and complete redemption and salvation by grace, just one and that is God's gospel. There are not many religious teachings which result in spiritual life given to sinners, just one and that is God's life. There are not many Saviors who can wash, make righteous and bring vile, sinful wretches to a holy God, just one, Jesus Christ the almighty Lord of lords and King of kings. The Savior said to His disciples, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man cometh to the Father, but by Me" (John 14:6).

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