A Reward of Grace

    This ... is my comfort, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.”   

    He saw me from all eternity;

    He gave me being;

    He called me in time;

    He has freely justified me through faith in His blood;

    He has in part sanctified me by His Spirit;

    He will preserve me underneath His everlasting arms till time shall be no more…

    Satan will accuse me; my answer shall be, The Lord Jesus is my righteousness; how darest thou to lay anything to the charge of God’s elect?

    I stand here, not in my own, but in His robes; and though I deserve nothing as a debt, yet I know He will give me a reward of grace, and recompense me for what He has done in me and by me, as though I had done it by my own power. Oh, how ought this to excite our zeal and love for the holy Jesus!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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