Comfort in Prayer
Whatever God does, rest assured, He’s already purposed it from the beginning. Did you get a hold of that? You don’t pray to change His mind, or you don’t pray to a reluctant God in order to persuade Him, as if He, by your much speaking, is going to give into your demands, like we do to our children sometimes. No, that’s not the way God does it. Whatever God does, you can rest assured He’s already purposed to do it from the beginning. And that’s a comfort, I’ll tell you.
Bill Parker grew up in Kentucky and first heard the Gospel under the preaching of Henry Mahan. He has been preaching the Gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ for over thirty years. After being the pastor of Eager Ave. Grace Church in Albany, Ga. for over 18 years, he accepted a call to preach at Thirteenth Street Baptist Church in Ashland, KY. He was the pastor there for over 11 years and now has returned to pastor at Eager Avenue Grace Church in Albany, GA
Published: Sep, 18 2021 Updated: Sep, 18 2021
Views: 106