Loving One Another!

I received a little booklet from Free Grace Broadcaster just the other day that was titled the same as the title of this blog. I receive them periodically and often they contain really good excerpts from studied saints that have gone on to glory. This booklet had some good words that spoke so well to me of the ways we are to love one another. That loving is to always go both ways, from me to other saints and to me from other saints but how often we all fail at loving one another. Oh how that should grip our very soul because Jesus said “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”. John 13:35

Ralph Venning (c. 1622-1674) A Nonconformist pastor and theologian. 

Principles for Preserving Love

Go not about to make one another odious by representing things as being worse than they are.

Many times the picture of the lion is more dreadful than the lion himself. Good Lord! In what black, ugly and deformed shapes do men set forth one another, as if they were monsters and not men?

Draw not conclusions from other men’s principles and then say that they are their opinions. 

We may make the same complaint as David: “They wrest, torture and wrack my words.” Alas! Men set everything on hooks and stretch and twist every principle like a nose of wax. Alas! What a pity it is to see men invert and pervert one another’s words, and a length to draw such conclusions as would make one think they meant what they never meant!...So some mistook and misreported Paul as if he had said that we might do evil so good might come thereof (Romans 3:8). So the Jews despose that Christ said He would destroy the temple at Jerusalem in three days and raise it up again, when He spoke of His Body (Matthew 26:61; John 2:21). What words thus wrested and perverted may not be called heresy and (as they said of Christ’s words) blasphemy when, if taken as meant, and in their proper sense, they may be found very sound and consistent with truth?? Take heed therefore of…commenting upon another’s text.

The reason the above hit home so hard is because this recently happened to me. My own words have been twisted to mean what they never meant and so I understood the reason for the admonition. It has been stated that I believe that everyone who is in the church has left Christ and I was stunned. Stunned because I have never stated that nor do I think it in my heart. It’s kind of ironic that the one who said it I do consider a believer, one who loves Christ Jesus and believes in the Gospel. One who holds to justification by faith alone but who has some different doctrinal beliefs than I do and has a high ‘visible church’ view.

Oh if we would take that huge leap and be willing to communicate to one another without fear, without judgment, without pre conceived notions, but that is so far from the norm and yet I know that all things are possible with God. In the meantime I will watch my own assumptions, my own opinions and I will remember that we are to follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. Romans 14:19

“Indeed, the glory of all our hearafter glory will be oneness of communication with the Father, Son, Spirit and one another in God” Ralph Venning

Grace and Peace!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles Neo-Gnosticism
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