My Story

    I first came to know the Lord Jesus Christ in 1989 but, for many years, I was plagued by a spirit of legalism, believing that even though salvation came through Jesus Christ, I had to work in order to make sure that I kept myself in a saved state. So, I got involved in out reach, tried hard to keep God's law, Keep the sabbath, go to Church twice on Sunday and attend the prayer meetings, read my bible, pray, do lots of Bible studies and correspondence courses etc. At first, I thought I was a really good person and that I was becoming a better Christian, indeed, I thought I was a better Christian than most who called themselves Christian and I became self righteous, proud, judgmental and very legal in my dealings with God and man. Then, in the year 2000, things began to change. 

    I began to see that no matter how much I done or how well I tried to live I felt I was really falling short of God's perfect standards of holiness and that, despite all of my supposed good works, I felt like a wretch. I tried to work even harder but the harder I worked, the worst I felt. I was in constant fear of God's judgment, lacked any assurance that I was saved and began suffering from chronic depression. None of the Churches I went to or none of those who called themselves, "Pastors" helped because they all held to faith + works. I was told that I must have some unconfessed sin in my life etc.

    Then one day, I was sent a copy of the New Focus Magazine and read an article by Pastor Don Fortner on salvation by grace alone and another on the purpose of God's law. I began reading books by Sovereign Grace authors and listening to Pastors such as Don Fortner, Henry Mahan, Chris Cunningham and other free grace preachers and that was the turning point for me. Since 2000, God has been working in my heart and dealing with me and showing me that Christ done all for me, that His finished work on the cross for me and His imputed righteousness was all I needed to make me fit to stand before a Holy God, to make me complete in Christ and to make me acceptable to God. I know that I am still a wretch but I know that I am a wretch saved by grace through the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, that my salvation is assured, not because of me but because of my Lord Jesus Christ and that when I go to heaven, Christ will say to me, come in good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord. What a big, big difference between religion and the true faith of Jesus Christ. To sum it up, religion will only lead to damnation but, oh, in Christ, there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit! Hallelujah what a Saviour!

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