The Object of Your Faith

     Whatever your assurance looks to for hope is the object of your faith. Therefore, those who look to works, choices, resolve, determination, zeal, knowledge, affections, history, traditions, association, etc. are not believing in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. 

     The need for evangelism is great among the professing religious in our day. Proclaim the gospel of free and sovereign grace against the sovereignty of man and his abilities. 

     Few “brethren” are truly born again beloved.  

     My friends, have you been taught of your righteousness? Have you been shown from whom it comes? Does your “church” learn of imputation and how your righteousness must be greater than that of the Pharisees? Has the gospel of substitution been explained to you? Has election been revealed to you? Does your heart continually regard mercy as the song of justice and hope in your soul? 

     If you aren’t understanding these things I implore you to find another teacher.  I implore you to get into Scripture and find a family of faith with which to assemble. 

     Saints, rest well.

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles Gospel Distinctives
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