Believing is No Small Thing!

     To believe God is no small thing! It is the evidence of a heart reconciled unto God; it is the proof of our being weaned from our own works and deeds; it is a clear sign of the true conviction of sin; it is honoring to Christ, our only Redeemer; it is the essence of true worship; and it is the root of sincere obedience.

     The person who believes God in spite of his sin and infirmities, who believes God in spite of fleshly wisdom and opposition, who believes God come what may, gives the Lord God more honor and glory than the cherubim and seraphim in their continual adoration.

     DO YOU THINK FAITH A SMALL THING? How is it then that our Lord said, "He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life?" How is it that a whole nation perished in the wilderness because of UNBELIEF? How is it that we are said to be "justified by faith," and "He that believeth not shall be damned?" Faith is the parent grace. Whatever you put in second place, faith must have the first consideration; for it is not a small thing - - IT IS YOUR LIFE! "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." John Flavel said, "The soul is the life of the body. Faith is the life of the soul. Christ is the life of faith."

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