What Does God Require?

     If a person has concern and doubts about his hope of grace and eternal glory, he might consider the following questions.

1. God requires perfection. Am I perfect? No! Then do I have ONE who is perfect to stand for me and I in Him?

2. Do I have a righteousness that can stand the test of God's holy law and presence? No! Then is there ONE who will give to me such a holiness?

3. Will God hear my weak and sinful voice before His throne? No! Then is there ONE? He will hear who shall be my advocate and intercessor?

4. Do I have an acceptable blood atonement and can I act as a suitable high priest before His presence? No! Then do I have ONE who is a great High Priest in the heavens with one sacrifice for sins forever?

5. The scriptures declare, "He that hath clean hands, a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul to vanity, nor sworn deceitfully" shall stand in His holy place. Can this be said of me? No! Then do I have ONE in whom all the fulness of holiness, power, and truth dwells who will love me, take my case as His, and bring me to God?

"Yes, there's ONE, only ONE,
The blessed, blessed Jesus, He's the ONE:
When afflictions press the soul,
And waves of trouble roll,
And you need a friend to help you,


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