Think On These Things

     "The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall KEEP YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS through Christ Jesus." This peace of heart and mind arises from a correct understanding of God's mercy in Christ, our sins are forgiven, all that takes place in our lives is for our eternal good, and we shall live and reign with Christ forever. "THINK ON THESE THINGS." 

     Do not allow the world to clutter your mind and heart (via newspapers, magazines, television, internet) with its ways, thoughts, music, philosophy, and covetousness. A constant diet of and bombardment from these sources will trouble you and drive the peace and joy of grace from you. But rather... Whatsoever things are TRUE to Christ and His word. 

     Whatsoever things are HONEST in the sight of God and men, honest in business and conduct. 

     Whatsoever things are JUST, giving to God His honor, and praise to man that which is his due. 

     Whatsoever things are PURE in word and deed, godly in thought and motive. 

     Whatsoever things are HOLY, agreeable to the character of God and His kingdom, which promotes holiness in character and conduct. 

     Whatsoever things are LOVELY, things which are kind, compassionate, generous and helpful to others. 

     Whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT, things which we hear that contribute to a good name, a good reputation, a good opinion, and promote the glory of Jesus Christ. 

     THINK ON THESE THINGS! DISCUSS these things with others! Let your minds and hearts DWELL on these things; and doing so, that peace of Christ and rest in His grace and mercy will grow. 

"Thou will keep Him in perfect peace, 
Whose mind is stayed on Thee; 
When the shadows come and darkness falls, 

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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