Fetching Grace

     When King David determined to adopt Mephibosheth as his own son, restore unto him all that he had lost in his father, and allow him to sit at the King's table, he did not send a message inviting Mephibosheth to come to him. The scripture says, "Then King David sent and FETCHED him" (II Sam. 9:5). David sent his servant with a command to come; and, Mephibosheth being a cripple, David sent his carriage to convey him to the palace. "The command and the carriage go together," says one long ago. Much more is this true of God and His gospel. His word and His Spirit go together when He determined to save His sheep. "God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the SPIRIT and belief of the TRUTH (the word)." The command to believe and the will to believe go together! No blind and lame Mephibosheth is commanded nor expected to arise and come to Christ apart from the Spirit's power to do so! "Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power" (Psalm 110).

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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