The Time of My Departure is at Hand
I Tim. 4:6

     "DEPARTURE" is an appropriate and easy representation of death because I understand that a departure signifies moving from one place to another. It is not to cease to exist. We depart this world of sin to dwell eternally with our Lord and with our friends who have departed. 

     "THE TIME" for my departure has nothing to do with chance, good or bad health, nor accidents; but that day has been set and settled by my heavenly Father since eternity past. It cannot be altered, nor would we desire it to be. 

     "IS AT HAND." "Don't talk about death," says one! But our Lord tells us to "number our days and apply our hearts to wisdom." Why would I not talk about, consider, and plan for the greatest event of my entire existence – "to be absent from this body and to be present forever with the Lord"? My advanced age, weakness of body, and the absence of so many of my peers all cry loud and clear, "The time of my departure is at hand." "Lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

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