Wonder of Grace!
Chapter 1

Salvation by Grace!
Chapter 1

It is a very common phrase that we all know and that many use, irregardless of if they know exactly what it means, many don’t. A not uncommon thought is that a dead man can choose Christ and thus deliver himself from the wrath to come and that is about the extent of that thinking, with saved by grace in there someplace. In the first chapter of “Wonder of Grace” HH gives us a beautiful, thorough picture of what salvation truly is, a rich and full idea of what salvation by Grace entails. So I will quote just a bit of the richness of what he has to say.

“Grace is sovereign. It is divine and, therefore, eternal. From the inscrutable depths of eternity spring all the spiritual blessings that lift us from the dark depths of sin and death into the glory of eternal life: the blessings of atonement and reconciliation, of redemption and deliverance, of regeneration and calling, of justification and sanctification, of the forgiveness of sins and the adoption unto children of God, of preservation and perseverance, of the resurrection from the dead and the final glorification. All these blessings of salvation are of pure grace: for ‘it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runeth, but of God that sheweth mercy. (Romans 9:16)”

Saved by grace! Delivered from wrath, guilt, damnation, corruption, and death – all by grace! Clothed with righteousness, holiness, life, and glory – by grace only! Translated into light, from death into life, from shame into glory, from hell into heaven – all by the power of God’s wondrous grace! And all because of the eternal, sovereign love of Him who chose the things that are not to bring to nought the things that are; that no flesh should glory in His presence!

Oh the wonder of it!

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