Positive Gospel Preaching

    I've noticed there are a few sovereign grace preachers on Facebook constantly promoting themselves by preaching against others.  In fact, it seems to be their entire ministry...

    Example, some of these men love to harp on some of the faults of others like Charles Spurgeon.  Yes, he had faults.  So does everyone.  You won't find a servant of God alive that doesn't have something majorly wrong with him.

    But instead of preaching against men of the past like Charles Spurgeon - who did SO MUCH GOOD and preached the Gospel and dedicated his life to the service of the Gospel, why not just preach the Gospel?

    I think it's because some people feel better about themselves when they can point out the flaws and errors of others.  I know I can be like that - I've been like that.  I hope I'm not like that now, but I know my flesh....

    Let's point out error when we encounter it.  Let's point others to the truth.  But let's not use the errors of others to puff ourselves up.  What do we have that wasn't GIVEN to us?   What do we have that was not REVEALED to us?  We are vessels of mercy - vessels of favor.  Let's be thankful and tremble before our Lord in humility and prayer.   And let's stop using the errors of others as a CRUTCH.

    It's easy to knock down the idols and errors of free will and erroneous doctrineGod does it for us in His magnificient Gospel.  What the saints of God need  is positive Gospel preaching!

Topics: Pristine Grace Neo-Gnosticism
Views: 93